A Whisper Of Thunder Logo A Whisper Of Thunder A Whisper Of Thunder Logo
And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?Job 26:14 NIV


Psalm 134:1-3 AMP

1 BEHOLD, BLESS (affectionately and gratefully praise) the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, [singers] who by night stand in the house of the Lord. 2 Lift up your hands in holiness and to the sanctuary and bless the Lord [affectionately and gratefully praise Him]! 3 The Lord bless you out of Zion, even He Who made heaven and earth.



Explains the terrible events ahead that causes desolation in the temple. It will be lonely, joyless, devoid of comfort with hatred and disgust.

Alabaster Box
The alabaster oil was a precious, expensive oil used for gifts, washing feet or anointing over the head of someone. It was used for adornment.

All Have Sinned
Everyone on Earth has sinned. Our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Describes that no one is without sin.

The US was built by early settlers coming in from many countries. Harvard University traced the word Tarshish, in places the settlers developed, carved into rocks.

Describes individual angels and the activities of angels. Tells of the powerful angels assisting humans. Christ will come again with his angels beside Him.

We need to control our emotions when angry or unhappy. Anger is evil and comes only from Satan.

Explains how God loves the creatures He made. He breathed life into them. They will one day be heard praising Him. Their lives were predestined.

Describes how one who opposes God will become the world's antagonist. He will be wicked and full of hate for God, Christians and Jews.

Follows the disciples through their trials and acts. Explains how they became leaders after Christ's ascension.

Ark - Boat
Describes the huge ship built by Noah. Tells the story of the flood and God's covenant with man by putting His bow in the sky.

Ark - Chest
The ark of covenant was a beautiful temple fixture. God describes how to build it. Tells the history of the Ark of God.

Ascension Christs
Covers Christ's ascension up into heaven. Describes how he was taken up and what the angels did around Him.

The heavens are full of God's signs and wonders. Studying the Zodiak is very interesting. The ecliptic begins with Virgo and ends with Leo.

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What is end time Babylon? Her destruction comes in one short hour. Babylon will be destroyed.

We are all baptized into Christ. This study explains in whom we are baptized. We must be born again.

Beauty of God
God's beauty and splendor are part of His holiness. He gives us beauty for ashes. He is perfection, strength, beauty.

Bible Inspiration
The Bible is inspired by God. The Word of God is powerful. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy

Birth of Christ
The birth of Jesus is a beautiful moving story. This topic tells of the virgin birth and gives the old testament prophecy of the His birth.

We reverence God through our speech. We are never to misuse the name of God. This topic explains thoroughly how God will deal with blasphemers.

Blood of Christ
The blood of Jesus shed on the cross is for the remission of sins. Had He shed no blood, there would be no eternal life.

Body of Christ
When Jesus died, His body did not decay. After He rose His body had flesh and bones. One day our bodies will be perfect.

Book of Life
This is a study of the Book of Life

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Explains how Christ died. OT prophecy of His death. He was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

Christ is the stone the builders rejected. An alter was built to the Lord in the midst of Egypt. Christ is the chief corner stone.

This topic describes how the Cherubim covered the Ark. They had flaming swords and many eyes.

We are to teach our children morals. They need to learn when they are young what is right in the sight of God.

Christian Living
This study is about a way for us to live happy, joyful, peaceful lives because knowing Jesus is what it is all about

Describes the power Christians have on this world. They are a holy group of people who bear the name of Christ.

Churches - 7
Christ is the bridegroom of the church (Christians) and will take us to heaven for the judgement and wedding supper.

God will give us support and strength through all situations. He has promised to be with us wherever we go. Peace is ours.

Coming - Air
One day Jesus will come and take us to Heaven. We will be caught up to Him. Our redemption is near. He is coming again.

Coming - Mt. Olives
With peals of thunder and lightning flashing from east to west, He will set His feet on Mt. Olives and it will split in two.

Confidence /Trust in God
When we have confidence and trust in God our faith is working. Confidence in God represents security and happiness. Confidence is freedom in God.

Controlled Living
When in an abusive situation there is help from our loving Savior. This study will give you the courage you need to face your abuser.

The creation story is fascinating. God breathed life into animals and man. He is the Creator of the ends of the earth.

We will all have the priviledge of wearing a crown. The different crowns are described in this topic.

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Evil Satan wants to leave everyone in darkness. This topic describes the darkness of evil and the dispair it brings.

Dead - Body
When we die our body returns to dust. The body is in the grave until Christ comes and transforms us.

Dead - Soul
The soul is the breath of life and returns to God when we die. When we are absent from the body we are with Christ.

God takes our debt very seriously. What is bound on earth is bound in Heaven. We should not be shaking hands on contracts.

This study explains how lies will be told and believed by people. It explains how the antichrist will trick everyone on earth to believe the falsehoods told to the world.

Discipline From God
We are disciplined by God each and every day. God disciplines those whom He loves. We are stronger with each lesson.

We must pass through the door to reach eternal life. Christians always face trials but Christ will lead us home.

God has sent His messages to man throughout all history of the earth via dreams. He is still sending dreams to those who listen.

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End of Age Signs
There is a holocaust the world must face very soon. This topic lists coming events.

Eternal Life
We will inherit eternal life because Jesus died on the cross for us. Our salvation is assured.

Eyes of God
God's eyes are on the world at all times. He knows what is happening everywhere.

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Faith is the only medium we have to get us through this life. We will be rewarded for our faith. Our hope is in Jesus.

Jesus fasted and prayed in the wilderness for forty days and nights. Prayer and fasting was to petition God in behalf of someone.

Our sins are forgiven because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Forgive and we will be forgiven. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.

God is the builder and maker. We are the foundation. God laid the foundation on a rock. The righteous are an everlasting foundation.

Fruit of Our Labor
We are rewarded according to our deeds. We must have good fruit to be pleasing to God and to help those around us.

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Gems From God
There are so many wonderful, encouraging verses in the Bible. They are gems from God.

Generation - Present
Our generation will see the coming of Christ.

The Gentiles were the heathen in Bible history. The Gentiles were the ones who accepted Jesus as their saviour when He was on earth.

God Fights For You
God will always fight for us making our battles nothing to worry about. If we do His will, He will always help us.

God Is Faithful
God will abide by His Truth. He is faithful and cannot deny Himself, therefore, He can't deny us what He has promised.

God - Our Refuge
God has promised us refuge in Him. What ever the storm He will protect us.

God - Our Rock
God is our fortress and deliverer. He is our Salvation.

God - Our Strength
Whatever the need, God will give us strength to meet the problems in our life. He is our strength and we must lean on Him.

God's Calling
God calls His people into His service. We must listen and obey and heed His calling. He calls us to work for Him.

God's Grace and Salvation
God's grace is sufficient for us. Our sins are washed clean. Grace and truth are Jesus Christ.

God's Love
God has promised never to leave us or forsake us. We are promised not to suffer above what we are able to bear.

God's Power
God's power is so mighty and great. Power belongs to God alone. There is glory, majesty, greatness and might in His power.

God's Prophetic Sevens
The future is ours to discover in the pages of God's Word. The prophetic sevens are a story in the Bible of time from the beginning of time to the end of time.

God's Work
While Jesus was on earth, He was always preaching to the people. Now the Holy Spirit is working through the Christian community.

Gospel of Christ
The gospel will be preached in all the world. God wants us to help spread His Word and give the everlasting promise to everyone.

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This study is about being happy. There are many texts in the Bible talking about joy, happiness, gladness. With Jesus in our hearts we will be happy.

He Never Changes
What we put in our mind is the focal point of our life. We don't have all the answers but God will lead and guide us. We have power over the evil in our life but do we know how to use that power?

Heaven Three
Heaven three is inhabited by God and the Son and the holy angels. The new Jerusalem is in the third Heaven.

Heavens 1 and 2
The prince of the power of the air inhabits heavens one and two. This is where Satan's seat is until Christ takes over the world.

God keeps a hedge around us for protection from Satan. Whoever breaks that hedge will be bitten by the serpent. God protects us from Satan.

Hell is very real. The verses listed here explain the vividness of this horrible realm.

The period of time during the great tribulation is a block of prophetic time when the world is in its final stages.

Holy City in Heaven
The heavenly Jerusalem is explained in some detail. The radiance of God is its source of light. There will be no night there.

Our hope and faith is in Jesus Christ. If we don’t have hope we get heart sick. We need Christ in our life and we are to know He will come again soon.

We need to humble ourselves before God or we will not enter the kingdom of heaven. When we are humbled God will make our life honorable.

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God has explained in detail His disgust of idol worship. He is the only God in heaven and earth who is to be worshipped.

If we obey God's voice and do what He commands us, we will have more blessings than we will ever know what to do with.

This study describes how God will look at man's inventions. The Bible describes some as witty, some as scheming, some as skillful. Their inventions are one day going to be destroyed.

Israel - God's Elect
God's elect. Israel is God's bride. He always loved her but she rejected Him.

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Israel's capital city is Jerusalem. All the nations will gather there. God will defend Israel in the last days.

Jesus' Family
This topic tells about Jesus' family and lineage. He grew up learning his father's carpenter trade.

We will have joy unspeakable and complete when we live with Christ. Those who have had a hard life will have only joy.

Judgement - God's
God is going to ba an awesome but loving judge. He will be fair. He will judge every man's work.

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Keys - Open
God holds the keys to hell, death, the bottomless pit, Hades, the Kingdom, and of David. The Lord is the key to a treasure.

Kings East of Israel
Countries to the east of Israel will cause problems and provoke trouble.

Kings North of Israel
Countries to the north of Israel will bring disaster. God has promised the birds will consume their flesh.

Kings South of Israel
Countries to the south of Israel will try to engage in battle but God will protect His people.

Kings West of Israel
Countries to the west of Israel will fear God's name. Ships will be sent out from the west.

Know God
God wants us to know Him and walk in Him. He knows us and we must know Him. He knows us by name.

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Law - God's
The commandments of God are the law. We have power over sin in the law. We are justified by the law. We are God's servants.

Leviathan - Satan The Sea Monster
This study follows the Leviathan, Satan, through the earth. Satan will always be cursed and full of folly.

God has saved us through Christ Jesus. His righteousness covers our darkness. We must follow His shining example.

Love God with all your heart. Love others as you love yourself. God instilled love in us. The kingdom of heaven is love.

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Magic - Witchcraft
Witchcraft and magic are not innocent games people play. The devil is very much behind any kind of sorcery. Beware of evil.

Mark of the Beast
The mark is in the right hand or forehead of man making him able to buy and sell.

This is a 1000 year time period. To God 1000 years are as a day. The reign of Christ.

The Scriptures are full of music. This topic describes the instruments used in history, people singing and people dancing to music.

My Saviour My Friend
This study describes how we are the friends of Jesus.

The Bible has 22 listings under mystery. There are five listings under mysteries. These are in Hebrew alphabetical order. Very interesting study.

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New World Order
This describes what we will face on earth in the future. There will be a time of great trouble then a peaceful reign will follow.

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Obedience to God
God commands us to obey Him. He wants us to be obedient and listen to His voice. We need an obedient ear.

Offerings and Tithes
When we pay offerings and tithes, God has promised to bless us. God loves a cheerful giver.

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The parables hold the secrets of the kingdom of heaven. When reading the parables, remember to put in the double meaning regarding heaven.

God gives us peace when we have faith in Him and give Him our problems. We have no need to worry about anything.

Potter's Clay
God's has made us out of the clay of the earth in His own image. He is the Potter, Molder, Creator, and our Redeemer.

Praise Passages
It is fun praising God for all He does for us. There are many praise texts in the Bible.

When praying give thanks to God for all He has done for you. When asking for something don't be unreasonable. Listen, God will answer.

Everything was planned ahead. We have choices to make but those choices ultimately bring us to the same goal for God's purpose.

The Bible gives us so many wonderful promises. God will take care of us when we are depressed or having a bad time. He delivers us and that is a delight to Him.

God is the revealer of secrets. He is in control. The events in the Bible fulfill the prophecies. It is a prophtic time measurement.

Prophets - False
This describes how to know false prophets. God says these prophets will meet their doom. They are evil.

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The rapture is the event all Christians are waiting for. This event takes place just before the great tribulation hour.

Refuse to Follow God
Only a fool says there is no God. They will face the second death from which there is no return. They will miss eternal life.

Religion is a personal belief. When someone is converted they often join a particular sect of religion.

Remnant of Christ
This describes God's flock waiting for Him. This is the group called Christians. They will be saved when He comes.

Repentance of our sins is the key to accepting Jesus as our Saviour. The death on the cross is what made it possible for our sins to be forgiven. We ask forgiveness and he forgives our sins.

Resurrection of Christ
Christ was crucified on the cross and God resurrected Him after thee days and three nights in the tomb. He has risen and is coming.

This describes how Russia will attack Israel during the end time events on this earth.

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Christ observed the Sabbath. The Sabbath is very important to God.

The saints of God are the people who love Him and will be saved when He comes. The saints of the great tribulation will be saved.

Satan's many names are listed in this section. We need to be aware of his power and deceitful ways.

This topic regards our condemning ourselves and others. We are not judges.

This topic regards self glory. We are not perfect. We need Christ in our life.

We need to use Christ as our example. He is the only one we should mirror in actions and deeds.

We are not perfect. We need to learn that morals are alive and well. There is right and wrong. NO in between.

Seventy Weeks
History takes us through 69 weeks of hardship for the Jews. The 70th week is the Great Tribulation.

Share with Others
When we share with others we are fulfilling God's Word. He wants us to be willing and happy to share with others.

Witchcraft and magic are not innocent games people play. The devil is very much behind any kind of sorcery. Beware of evil.

The soul is what makes us a living being and is the breath of life from God. The spirit is the holy dweller in us to keep us from evil.

Sowing Evil
We are promised that God will deal harshly with those who cause problems in our lives. A man receives what he gives.

Spirits of God
God's Spirits appears in many forms. There are many different kinds of Spirits.

Study God's Word
When we study the Scriptures we know God will open our minds. We will be prepared and know when to expect His return.

Suffering Daily Tribulation
As we go through life we face trials and tribulation each and every day. Ask God to help you through this and He will.

This topic describes the symbolisms used in the Bible.

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God will wipe away the tears from the eyes of those who trust Him. God keeps our tears in a bottle. Those who sow in tears will reap joy.

Temple in Jerusalem
The temple will be rebuilt according to prophecy. That is soon to happen. Israel is planning it all out.

Temple - Our Bodies
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. We need to take care of ourselves and be good to ourselves regarding temperance.

The Day Hope Survived
Explains September 11, 2001, brought many people to their knees returning to God. There is hope and we need to realize it is through God. When He died on cross our life had a future with Him.

The Opening Door
This is a study of the love of Jesus, the rapture, the great tribulation, Daniel's prophecy of the 70 weeks, and insights on God's favor over our lives.

Throne in Heaven
The Bible speaks of heaven as a throne. It describes activities around the throne. It tells of the beauty surrounding the throne.

Thunder and Lightning
The power of God is awesome. His voice is like thunder yet sounds of a whisper. His face has the appearance of lightning but full of love.

Tongues - Speaking in
Speaking in tongues is described as one speaking in his own language but each person hearing in his own language.

Translated to Heaven
There are three people the Bible speaks of who were translated to heaven. This topic covers their stories.

There are many trees in the Bible. Trees are used for examples or parables, healing needs, building, punishment, oxygen for us.

Tribulation Hour
There is a seven year period coming that will be a time of distress that has never happened before in the history of the world. The Christians will be saved.

God the Father and Christ the Son have many names. This topic discusses the Father,Son and Holy Ghost.

Trust Not Man
God wants us to trust Him only. When we have problems, we need to go to Him. He explains to us why in the topic Trust Not Man.

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Waiting on the Lord
When we are waiting for an answer from God, we must wait quietly with lots of patience having faith the answer will come.

Wealth and Possessions
We need to discern what is important in life. When we let our wealth come between us and God we have given in to greed.

This study explains why things happen to us. We need to realize that God is here to help us. He will get us through the difficult times.

When we ask God for wisdom, He gives freely. We need wisdom and knowledge and both come from God. We need only to ask Him.

Witchcraft and magic are not innocent games people play. The devil is very much behind any kind of sorcery. Beware of evil.

Witnesses - 2
During the great tribulation there will be two witnesses who preach of Christ's impending judgement. They will astound the world.

This study is about the earth growing old. When Jesus recreates everything the earth will become new and beautiful.

Writing - Kit
A man dressed in linen is described with a writing kit at his side. A writer's inkhorn by his side.

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Yet A Little While
Christ tells us to be patient because it is such a short time until He comes. He says it is yet a little while.

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Zion - the Mountain
This study is about Mount Zion And Jerusalem.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Ezekiel 39:1 AMP

AND YOU, son of man, prophesy against Gog, Thus says the Lord God: Behold, I am against you, O Gog, chief prince (ruler) of Rosh, of Meshech, and of Tubal.