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Exodus 19:16
thunder and lightning NIV
thunders and lightnings KJV
Exodus 20:18
thunder and lightning NIV
thunderings, and the lightnings KJV
Job 26:14
whisper we hear --- thunder of his power NIV
little a portion we hear --- thunder of his power KJV
Job 28:26
thunderstorm NIV
lightning of the thunder KJV
Job 37:3
lightning --- ends of the earth NIV
lightning --- ends of the earth KJV
Job 38:25
path for the thunderstorm NIV
way for the lightning of thunder KJV
Job 40:9
voice thunder like his NIV
thunder with a voice like him KJV
Psalm 18:12-14
thundered from heaven NIV
thundered in the heavens KJV
Psalm 29:3
God of glory thunders NIV
God of glory thundereth KJV
Psalm 77:18
lightning lit up the world NIV
lightnings lightened the world KJV
Psalm 97:4
lightning lights up the world NIV
lightnings enlightened the world KJV
Psalm 104:7
sound of your thunder NIV
voice of thy thunder KJV
Psalm 135:7
sends lightning NIV
maketh lightnings KJV
Isaiah 29:6
LORD --- with thunder NIV
LORD --- with thunder KJV
Jeremiah 10:13
When he thunders NIV
When he uttereth his voice KJV
Jeremiah 51:16
sends lightning NIV
maketh lightnings KJV
Daniel 10:6
face like lightning NIV
face --- appearance of lightning KJV
Matthew 24:27
lightning comes from the east NIV
lightning cometh out of the east KJV