A Whisper Of Thunder Logo A Whisper Of Thunder A Whisper Of Thunder Logo
And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?Job 26:14 NIV

Photo of Jesus

photo credit: freestone
via photopin cc


Our Statement of Faith


We believe in God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son of God and God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was born of the virgin, Mary. He came to earth to be the sacrificial Lamb of God to save His followers from Satan’s power. His death on the cross is the atonement for our sins. He ascended into heaven after His resurrection. There is a literal heaven and a literal hell. Satan’s power on this earth is devastating to all life. Jesus is the only Saviour we have for our salvation. Jesus forgives our sins through His grace.

We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. We should take the Bible literally believing it is the Holy Word of God.

We believe Jesus Christ is coming in the clouds to call us to meet Him in the air which could be at any moment. During the tribulation Satan will attempt to rule the earth. God will send judgements to the earth throughout this seven year period. During this time people will have one last chance to accept Christ as their personal Saviour.

After the tribulation Jesus will have a one-thousand year reign.

Satan will be released after the millennial reign to try to defeat Jesus and take over the world. He will lose. Satan and all evil will be sent to the lake of fire. Sin will finally be destroyed.

After this Jesus will cleanse and recreate our universe. The heavenly Jerusalem will come down to earth and we will all be together through eternity with Jesus Christ and God the Father.


Photo of Jesus looking up

photo credit: Waiting For The Word
via photopin cc