A Whisper Of Thunder Logo A Whisper Of Thunder A Whisper Of Thunder Logo
And these are but the outer fringe of his works; how faint the whisper we hear of him! Who then can understand the thunder of his power?Job 26:14 NIV

Photo of Jesus

photo credit: freestone
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What Must I Do To Be Saved

To be saved we must believe in Jesus Christ, His death and His resurrection. We need to understand He is the only One who is able to forgive sin. You only need to ask Jesus to be your personal God and Saviour, forgive your sins and come into your life, and to lead your life with His love and grace. If you have never prayed a prayer in your entire life it does not matter to Jesus. He just wants you to love and accept Him as your personal Saviour. Here is a simple prayer:


My Dear Saviour Jesus,

I ask you to forgive my sins and make me your child. I ask you to show me your love and mercy. Save me this day and come into my life. Teach me and give me understanding of the scriptures. Most of all Lord, thank you for dying on the cross for me so I can one day be with you. Thank you for your sacrifice and love for me.



Photo of Jesus looking up

photo credit: Waiting For The Word
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